The Scoop on Bed Bugs

Salt City Pest Control Specializes in Bedbug Treatment

When you scratch repeatedly while in bed, it's time to contact Salt City Pest Control. Enjoy a more peaceful night's sleep with complete bedbug treatments from our company.

What Are Bed Bugs?

These bloodsuckers are attracted to your body's warmth and carbon dioxide. They hide in bed frames, cracks, crevices, furniture, mattresses, and other areas until they're ready to feed on you while you sleep. If you have a bedbug infestation, it must be treated professionally and quickly because of the bed bug's ability to rapidly multiply and migrate.

For Best Results, Complete the Checklist.

Bed Bugs Checklist

What to Expect

Following this checklist, along with sanitation and a professional treatment, produces the best results for eliminating bed bugs in your home or office. If you don't follow the checklist and treatment can't be performed, there will be an extra charge for us coming out.

Get bedbugs out of your home or office with our pest control service.

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